Member: Chris W.
Location: Key West, FL
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Date: 18 Apr 2004
Time: 08:02 AM -0400


When I was able to make the decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God,- and to make that decision in all honesty, then my life changed. Once I was able to take this major step, then I had to start working on the rest of the steps and I mean working honestly and continually. By allowing God (as I understand Him) to become first in my life, to take all of me - good and bad- and do what He wants with me, then I experience a freedom that I have never known before. This doesn't mean that God will take care of everything and I can just sit back and do nothing. No, not at all = far from it. I still have to do the footwork and do it constantly (and honestly). With trust and faith in God and by honestly attempting to do 'the next right thing', then I find that God really does take care of my trivial needs. Sometimes in ways that I would not expect nor even desire, but that's the whole point- I have turned my will and my life over to the care of God - as I understand Him. Love and Peace from Key West.

Member: David B.
Location: Alaska
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Date: 18 Apr 2004
Time: 12:55 PM -0400


Member: sarah E
Location: NWUSA
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Date: 18 Apr 2004
Time: 01:55 PM -0400


I was a very sick alcoholic in great need of recovery so I asked another woman who had twenty plus years of recovery "Who is this God as we understand him?" "What is turning our will and our lives over to the care of this God?" She understood alcoholism is a physical and spiritual disease ... a disease of physically being drunk on alcohol and a disease of spiritually being drunk on (mine or your's) human EGO. She told me ...listen, look and feel for the "Healing Power" shared in the Experience, Strength and Hope and shared in the Steps and the Traditions as it gives us a loving healing freedom from this disease of alcohism. Another day sober ... Thanks, one and all for sharing the "Healing Power".

Member: David B.
Location: Alaska
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Date: 18 Apr 2004
Time: 01:56 PM -0400


I had a couple weeks in when my sponsor SUGGESTED I try the steps. 1 was a no brainer. 2 he asked if I thought AA had anything good to offer me, sure I said (condensed a bit) 3. he read the step right off the wall. "I didnt come here to find GOD", I said. His response "GOD is not the one who is lost" He reminded me that I had said myself that I cant stop drinkin and pointed out that up till I came in to AA, I had been trying to quit alone. When I came to AA, I had become part of a fellowship and was no longer alone and had not had a drink in a couple weeks. OK made sense to me. He asked if I was an alcoholic. I said yes. Alcoholics cant quit drinkin, so what happend to you that you have made it 2 weeks ? I didnt know. He pointed out that I came in and asked for help. I was ready to rely on help from outside myself. He said I could call the source of that help my "higher power" and asked what my "higher power was. I said the group was keeping me sober. He put on a big cheesy grin and said GREAT ! Every time you see the word GOD, let it stand for Group Of Drunks. Are you willing to turn your will and life over to the care of a Group Of Drunks and try some of the suggestions we have? Sure ! That I could handle. We went on to smoke through the rest of the steps and I have not had a drink since. My understanding of GOD has changed as well through the other steps. AA has taught me all they can about god. I now go to a different fellowship to learn more about GOD. I go to AA to sare my experience, strength, and hope with other alcoholics, and to get my daily reminder that this manner of living is better than anything that I can come up with.

Member: Adam H.
Location: New York, NY
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Date: 18 Apr 2004
Time: 02:42 PM -0400


Adam, alcoholic. For me, the key word in Step 3 is CARE. I never want to forget how awesome it was for me when I said that prayer on pg. 63 with my sponsor and realized how much he and that Group Of Drunks (G.O.D.) cared about my desire to stay sober. I knew when I was saying that prayer that although I had no God in my life at that time, my sponsor believed...and believed enough, in fact, that he was willing to pray for and with me to have the willingness to do what AA suggested. When I understood that, I just felt deep down in the pit of my gut without any hesitation that AA cared about me and about helping me go through the action to stay sober. Because of that feeling of certainty, I was able to make that decision to turn my wil and life over to that kind of care that AA had shown me up 'till that point. Nearly eight years later, I am still feeling that care in my life and I am happy to pass it on to the next sick and suffering alcoholic. Thanks for letting me share.

Member: h.s
Location: florida
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Date: 18 Apr 2004
Time: 02:50 PM -0400


hello family..somebody in aa pointed out to me the very first word in the the first paragraph, in the twelve and twelve..(PRACTICING).

Member: Barry D
Location: Calgary Alberta Canada
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Date: 18 Apr 2004
Time: 09:24 PM -0400


Step 3...12x12 pg 24 In the first two steps we were engaged in refelection. We saw that we were powerless over alcohol, but we also perceived that faith of some kind, if only in AA itself, IS POSSIBLE TO ANY ONE. These conclusions did not require action; they required only ACCEPTANCE. When i first looked at Step 3, i thought i had it all figured out based on my past faith, understanding and knowledge. i spent little time with it and approx 3 years later wondered why i wasn't getting any results in AA. 3 years sober, at the jumping off place and wondering why. My sponsor pointed out my troubles were found in Step 1 and 2, not Step 3. We studied BB and 12x12 Step 1 Honesty, Disease/Alergy concept and Obsession of mind and Step 2 Openmindedness, Did i see people getting results in AA ?, and did i want those same results ?. Step 3 was about Willingness, if i could answer yes to Step 1 and 2 then Step 3 was a prayer and a commitment on my part to the HP of my understanding to put my money where my mouth was and get started. Step 3 was first step of Action, a commitment to open my ears to those in AA who had worked the steps and make a beginning. BB pg 63 We were now at Step 3...Prayer taken with sponsor is an experience i will never forget. As long as i continued to rely on my past knowledge and understanding by working some form of the Barry/AA program, for just that long would i continue to get the same Barry not AA results. i was close minded and un-teachable. Honesty, Openmindedness and Willingness would bring the quality to my so called faith. He also explained to me that 1, 3, 7 and 11 were all humilty steps, 3,7 and 11 also contained prayers. Step 3 contained it's own prayer as well as the Serenity Prayer. Each of the humility Steps are followed by Steps of Action (put your money where your mouth is action) which are suggested in obtaining AA results. The better i learned to apply the principles i was to learn to my everyday affairs would i be able to match Calamity with Serenity. To this day my life has made a remarkable turn around and i have realized the promises found in each of the Steps including Steps 8 and 9. To the same extent that i'm able to keep EGO (Edging God Out) out of the way, i continue to be able to match Calamity with Serenity. God grant us the Serenity to accept the things we cannot change, Courage to change the things we can, and the Wisdom to know the difference. Thankyou for my sobriety.

Member: Steven062802
Location: Boston
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Date: 18 Apr 2004
Time: 11:57 PM -0400


Hi there, I'm an alcoholic named Steven. I took a new sponcee to a step meeting today...we read step three. I LOVE the 12 & 12 and one of my favorite parts is in step three where Bill uses electricity as an analogy for a working faith...I am happy to depend on electricity to provide me with light, heat, security and entertainment. I take it for granted that when I flip a light switch that a light will go on...just when I need it. As an art major, I never learned how electricity made motors run or lights to burn but my experience in AA has shown me that I can be just as dependent on my spiritual condition (my faith in a higher power)as I am on electricity...and I don't have to understand how it works. When I need some light (sunlight of the spirit, maybe), serenity or security...I have to turn to my faith. It hasn't let me down. Now, the trick with this faith thing, for me, is that I have to be just as willing to turn over the crap in my head for that light/serenity/security. Without the key of willingness it doesn't work. Willingness is the "switch" I need to flip. I hope that made even a little tiny bit of sense.

Member: Carpenter
Location: Alaska
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Date: 19 Apr 2004
Time: 12:11 AM -0400


I got to step 3 and my sponsor asked me if I was willing to go on with step 3. I had to think about it for a bit. Sounded better than drinking. Ok, I said. He opened his BB and told me to get on my knees, hold his hand and read a PRAYER out of his book. HELL YOU SAY ! The meeting had just ende and there were people milling around. He saw me glance around and said dont worry about them, the already did this. I was sure my head was gonna explode if I did this, but it still sounded better than drinking. I went ahead and did it. You coulda heard a mouse fart.I looked up at him and said "Nothing happened". Yes, something did happen. You did something that you did not want to do, it was not your idea, AND you did it to stay sober. At the time, I had become willing to do anything to stay sober, even pray to a god I didnt even know.

Member: Craig L (
Location: Aloha, Oregon
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Date: 19 Apr 2004
Time: 10:28 AM -0400


Like many, I did not really believe any of these steps, except maybe step one and even that one took a while for this stubborn, selfish, self-centered drunk. I knew I didnāt want to drink anymore and in the rooms of AA I found people like me who had stopped drinking, so I was willing to do what they did. I didnāt know how to pray, so I memorized the 3rd step prayer out of the big book and said it every morning on my knees. Just going through the motions, but with just that simple halfhearted act, my life began to change. I found myself calmer. There seemed to be less drama and chaos. As a result of practicing all of the 12 steps I have had a spiritual awakening. Today God is a fact of my life. When I am surrounded by turmoil and fear, I can remain calm knowing the Love of God is bigger than all of my little bitty humanness.

Member: Joni N.
Location: Pollock Pines, CA
Remote Name:
Date: 20 Apr 2004
Time: 12:48 AM -0400


Hi, ((everyone)). Thank you for helping me stay day at a time. ((Craig)) I loved what you said about the love of God being bigger than your humaness. Absolutely! That is one of the reasons that I decide every morning to turn my will and my life over to the care of God. It's so easy to get caught up in pettiness that I need God to remind me what's really important. This and the 11th Step are my favorites. My life is joyous and filled with love and laughter when God is in charge of t. Thank you, God and AA!! Hugs, Joni Peace and Love

Member: AZbill
Remote Name:
Date: 20 Apr 2004
Time: 02:58 PM -0400


HI. Bill here, alcoholic from Arizona. Not much work involved at all in the first three steps if we are working out of the basic text. The A,B,C's tells us that. (a)We were alcoholic... Step one; (b)Probably no human power could relieve this..Step 2; (c) God could and would... still Step 2. He will only relieve our alcoholism if He were sought. We seek the God of our understanding by working Steps Four through Nine. Tells us that in the promises. We suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do. It is a process. There are many pathways to God. I don't think any one is any better or worse than the others. But I chose the AA way and as such I used the steps. I did not find the God of my understanding in Step Three. All I did in Step 3 is make a decision to seek this God. If you have been following my share on the first three steps. Then...Once I agreed I was sick that was step one, Once I believed that AA just might work, that was enough for Step 2 AA was to become a power outside of me. And at the end of my first meeting a friend came up to me and said we will start working this thing together. I said ok. That was a good 3rd Step. I only made the decision to work the remaining nine steps. And it was through the steps that I found the God of my understanding. Thank you. Love ya all, Bill

Member: Kat
Location: Boston
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Date: 21 Apr 2004
Time: 09:53 PM -0400


Lordy - I just LOVE Step 3. Mainly because I thought I had already turned my life over to God BEFORE I came into AA!!! LOL!! It wasn't until I was immersed in these divinely inspired steps that I truly realized just what surrender really means. And even now I still take it all back and have to re-surrender it many times a day. I wake up scared every single day, but recently I put a beautiful framed poster of a sunrise across the room from my bed. At the bottom of the picture says "The Lord is My Light" and every morning, although habit would have me wake with every muscle tensed and fearful of the day, that gorgeous picture is the very first thing I see each day and it reminds me to take a breath and remember "oh Yeah, I'm a child of God and I am safe and I can give everything to Him and let Him lead the way. I don't have to do it all by myself anymore." And then I have the courage to start my day. Thank you Dear Lord for taking hold of my heart and leading me into the halls of AA. What an incredible gift... sobriety is the best. God bless you all with His abundant, healing grace. Sleep well and continued blessings, Kat

Member: Gage
Location: swamp
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Date: 22 Apr 2004
Time: 12:57 AM -0400


I'm Gage and I'm an alcoholic. I've put all of my apples into this basket.

Member: Tracy
Location: Little ole England
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Date: 22 Apr 2004
Time: 04:27 PM -0400


I try to make the decision every morning to do this...some times I do it sometimes I don't quite manage it...but I guess thats ok..coz my GOD has made his/her/its decision to take care of me anyways. Thanks Trace

Member: Marv L
Location: Ms.
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Date: 22 Apr 2004
Time: 04:44 PM -0400


Hi,family,I"mMarv,recovering alcoholic.Step three becomes clearer all the while; early on I felt a lot of willingness to do what you that I DIDNT have the "care" of alcohol ! Living life sober was kinda raw,and the refuge I found in trusted AA friends was cool!! Willingness opened a door to a HIgher Power and life took on new meaning! I could SEE the program worked,and several years later we had a visitor from Seattle,Wash.who heard our topic,and our shares about our newfound freedom in a Higher Powers care. She told us that with time she came to understand that His care was ALWAYS there for us,even in our worst drinking days--and our drunken prayers WERE heard..His unconditional love and care wasnt then,and isnt now,limitted toward us,so the CHANGE was,indeed,that we set out on a journey of cooperating with His care,ceased fighting alcohol,and began a new way of life.Staying sober is priority ONE,and I"m so grateful you help this ole fella enjoy another sober day,thanks for your shares!!

Member: Tim V2
Location: Poconos
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Date: 23 Apr 2004
Time: 12:26 PM -0400


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannnot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Thy will not mine be done. Thanks for helping me stay sober today. Tim

Member: ladymoonstar
Location: waldport,ore
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Date: 23 Apr 2004
Time: 01:19 PM -0400


ladymoonstar,recovering drunk........step 3 is the step that after the first 2 i knew there was real hope for me.I was one of those people that tryed to to my own plan of sobrity.i was succeful the first 4 years,then all went to??.it took me another 8 years to really get serious about joining aa and doing the the 3rd step is what saves my life each day without it left to my own thinking i would be sitting in a bar instead of on this site.thanks

Member: jimr
Location: chicago
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Date: 24 Apr 2004
Time: 01:01 AM -0400


Sweet surrender and making a decision to trust a power I never relied on before after all of my options were finally spent.

Member: Ed Z.
Location: USA
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Date: 24 Apr 2004
Time: 01:29 AM -0400


I had a very basic Step 3 experience. My easter went like this all I had for EASTER WAS GOD. At 4:00 a.m. Easter Sunday, I came down with pneumonia. I got sick to my stomach and couldn't stop regurgitating so I got a ride in an ambulance to a near by hospital. Yet,God for EASTER. Second thought my easter is ruined it is ruined. No, God took me to me a different level. Turning my will and care over to God in a hospital was easy to understand, but difficult to accept with full continuity. When I accepted God for Easter the whole week turned positive, and negativity wasn't even spare change.Holding the thought of HAVING GOD FOR EASTER worked well upon release, even though I felt like slippery throwing a strong wave of water, pigeon shit, rocks,etc., at me. I slowed down let God, and even gospel readings for the day similiarized and reinforced the power of my mother and father God. Thoughts of alcohol because of reactive depression flew away when i repeated God for Easter. This has worked for almost 2 weeks. Weak as a kitten,but in 15 days with AA's earthly and spiritual community 16 years without a sip of alcohol and not even one toke of a joint. I never did it alone, if I make it. My experience, strength and hope came from aceepting everyone at our site as they are. THANKS THANKS THANKS!

Member: Karen S.
Location: Alaska
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Date: 25 Apr 2004
Time: 02:59 AM -0400


Hi, I'm Karen, alcoholic. I prayed for God to help me while still drinking, then found myself in the rooms of AA within the week. I knew that God brought me here. But, I didn't want to give Him everything...and I especially didn't want to admit my alcoholism. I ended up drinking again, which was so confusing since I thought I was really hip with God. My sobriety began the day I admitted all the way to the core of my being that I'm an alcoholic. Then, I realized that God could and would restore me to sanity. As soon as I knew that God would really, really fix me, I was willing. I had a genuine desire to be who God wanted me to be, not who I thought He might want me to be. I asked God to take all of me, good and bad & do as He wanted. I fervantly wanted Him in my life. Since that time, I have walked other women through the 3rd step. Those third step prayers have been the most powerful experiences in my sobriety. I am grateful!